迪士尼彩乐园2反水 来松山湖盒子好意思术馆,策展东说念主带你走进“无尽场域”

发布日期:2025-01-09 08:35    点击次数:191


“无尽场域”参展艺术家多里安·高迪(Dorian Gaudin)来自法国,其创作专注于探索东说念主类、机械、当然三者之间的酌量,作品呈现了对时辰和截止论的念念考,这次开馆展览作品中延续了艺术家一以贯之的念念考,同期也融入了在地性元素,联接松山湖盒子好意思术馆场地空间进行了新作品的创作,艺术家通过作品构建了一个恭候被感受、被探索的“无尽场域”。

此外,“无尽场域”展厅里有一件至极的展品——《替罪羊 Pharmakos》,处于完成的进行时。一面黄色的展墙前边,甩掉着数几十个花样不一、各有特质的花瓶,搁板内置有投票按钮,不雅众不错在总共花瓶中选出心目中最丑的花瓶并按下按钮为它投票。每个星期二开馆之时,得票最高的花瓶会被摔碎,而碎屑,将放置回底本花瓶所处的位置上。


第一次摔碎花瓶的算作由艺术家 多里安·高迪(Dorian Gaudin)在开幕当日完成,之后的行动则由责任团队不竭完成。直至 缓期终了之时,莫得一个花瓶是幸存的,观念所及之处,唯有花瓶碎屑堆起来的小小废地。


本次导览举止中,策展东说念主将会在现场进行摔碎花瓶的行径,这一排动是对多里安·高迪 《替罪羊 Pharmakos》作品完成的鼓动,亦然策展东说念主身膂力行地引颈着不雅众走进艺术家所创造的作品,在“无尽场域”中感受与艺术共振的分分秒秒。


正 在 展 出

展 览 现 场




Songshan Lake Boxes Art Museum

Songshan Lake Boxes Art Museum is located in ULAND-Songshan Lake Culture and Art District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. The museum is entrusted to the operation and management of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Oil Painting Department Curating Group, which employs Fan Bo as the director, Liu Ke as the executive director, Zhou Li as the art director, Deng Zijun as the deputy director, and Ji Ran as the academic deputy director.

The museum has a construction area of about 5135 square meters, with exhibition space of about 1650 square meters, including 9 exhibition halls, 2 residency studios, as well as research rooms, tiered lecture hall, public education hall, office areas, rest areas, and café. By integrating regional and international resources and deeply participating in the construction and production of contemporary art mechanisms, the museum is committed to becoming a contemporary art museum in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with professionalism, expandability, recognizability, and international influence. Relying on the research and teaching platform of the Academy of Fine Arts and local culture and technology, it combines art exhibitions, international exchanges, academic research, public aesthetic education, and local culture, becoming a creative social aesthetic education platform that can nourish social culture, economy, and technological development and provide the public with a diverse range of cultural experiences.


开首: 松山湖盒子好意思术馆




审校:郭文君 陈启亮迪士尼彩乐园2反水
